York Amateur Radio Society

This club is the oldest surviving radio club in York.

It meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8pm.
Guppy’s Enterprise Club
17, 19 Nunnery Ln, York YO23 1AB

Society Callsign – G3HWW

For more information:
email:  enquiries@yars.co.uk
Facebook:  private group – by invitation from the club.

Is Amateur Radio active in the UK?

YES – There are currently 100,000 amateur radio licences in the UK.
About three million amateur radio operators are currently active worldwide

An Amateur Radio enthusiast is anyone with a hobby or interest in experimenting with radio allowing contact over the airwaves locally, internationally even the International Space Station (ISS).

Amateur Radio today has a wide range of activities.
These are some of the avenues to explore:

Communicate with other amateurs locally or around the world.
Experiment with electronics, aerials, receivers and transmitters.
You can connect radios to your computer and the internet.
Use mobile transceivers and hand-held devices whilst on the move.
Take part in contests, field events, data, television, satellites, CW (morse code), emergency communications and a lot more!

There are lots of clubs, many offering training courses to get you started.

Want to know more? Contact our club using the email above.